Information on the 192nd Session, LAC/UMC
To: All Conference Officials and Heads of Program Agencies, LAC/UMC
Grace to you and peace in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
We are gratified to inform you about our upcoming 192nd Session of the Liberia Annual Conference, the United Methodist Church. Please refer to the following information as you prepare for the Conference:
Theme: “Know That I Am God”
Text: Psalms 46:1-11
The Conference runs from Monday-Sunday, February 10-16, 2025
Venue: Gbarnga, Bong County
The Main Host is Gbarnga District Conference
Co-hosts are: Gompa, Jorquelleh, Kokoyah, Weala and Lofa District
Registration fees
a. Bishop: LD4,500.00
b. Bishop’s Cabinet: LD3,500.00
c. Conference Officials: LD3,500.00
d. District Lay Leaders: LD3,500.00
e. Ministerial Members: LD2,000.00
f. Lay Members: LD2,000.00
g. Missionaries: LD2,500.00
h. Staff Members: LD1,500.00
i. Deaconesses: LD1,500.00
j. Observers: LD1,500.00
Also attached is a credential form. Please fill it in and return it to my office on or before February 10, 2025. As a further reminder, all delegates must be elected by the Charge Conference and only those elected shall attend the session.
Signed: Sis. Dehkontee Precious Tarr
Acting Conference Registrar
Contacts: 0777155638 / 0886566908