By; Lewis Togba, Sr & maxwell Sayeh
The launched or relaunch of the Liberia Episcopal Area UMC Website at www. is a positive direction for the Church through the department of Communications, the words of the Resident Bishop of the Liberia Episcopal Area UMC Samuel J Quire Jr on Friday Oct 20, 2023. Certainly indeed it is a milestone achievement aimed at promoting the Vision of the department of Communications LAC UMC for 2023/2024
Beaming with confidence smiles of Joy the Dir for UMCOM Technology advancement Shelia Mayfield and Pacome Nguesssan UMCOM Strategic Project Officer for West Africa along with staff of the Liberia Episcopal Area and the staff of the department of Communications could not hide their feelings about the accomplishment.
Please visit the for details on this development. Team Leader DOC UMC LAC Ft Lewis Teah Togba Sr is Grateful. Kindly follow us on
In an exciting mood and gladness, the Team Leader at the Department of Communication at the Liberin Episcopal Area UMC described the website relaunch as significant milestone achievement for the Church in Liberia. He said the Website is a huge boast to promoting the Departments’ Vision for 2023/2024 which is “Making the Liberia Episopal Area UMC Visible” in Liberia and the Globe.
Ft Togba said this accomplishment could not be possible without the support of Bishop Quire and partners United Methodist Communications(UMCOM) and Global Communications with technical and moral assistance for the last three months and half Director Shelia Mayfield, Her patience and endurance to see this happening.
He could not leave out Bro. Pacome Nguesssan, Strategic Project Officer for West Africa (UMCOM) who tireless effort ensure the successful initiative.
Ft Lewis Teah Togba, Sr told the gathering composed of Senior Conference officials such as thre Director of Connectional Ministry LAC UMC Ft P.E. Harris, Mot Elizebelth Deptser Treasurer LAC UMC, Rev. Joseph Theoway Dir of Department of Agriculture, The Director of Penson and the Dir of Human Rights Jefferson Knight, Director of the Ministry in Volunteerism and Mission Sis. Decontee Harris while Rev. Joel Gould , Administrative Assistant to the Resident Bishop of the Liberia Episcopal Area UMC to pray and urged the meduim to be used in the interest of Humanity and the Church .
As for Director Shelia Mayfield one of the brains behind the website sucess story, could hold back her joyed for the website relaunched. She commended Bishop Samuel Quire, Jr for the support to the team and Dir Lewis for his enthusiasm working with his local staff in making this possible for the three months .
Dir Shelia encouraged staff of rhe department of Communications LAC UMC to utilize the website for the promotion of development in the Liberia Episcopal Area UMC and for winning souls for Jesu Christ.
In separate remarks the Treasurer Mot Elizabeth Dempster and Rev Joseph Theoway praised UMCOM and described the event as laudable achievement for the Liberia Episcopal Area, while the expressed appreciation to Dir Lewis Teah Togba, Sr and staff of the department of Communication, while at the sometime admonishing them to tell the story of the Church. More details of the Liberia Episcopal Area Website relaunched program to follo. keep following yhe